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πŸ‘‹Welcome to POS25

The world's first smart POS system powered by blockchain technology.


What is POS25?

POS25 or Point of Sale (POS) terminal, powered by Esol Labs, is multi-chain payment solution that seamlessly connects with the merchant's ERP system and integrates numerous features into a single device, fully meeting the merchants' payment demands, enabling them to accept blockchain transactions from multiple types of cards, QR codes, and NFC.

Who is POS25 for?

This solution is primarily aimed at people who prefer the flexibility of using their own cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. It addresses the need for a seamless and user-friendly way to conduct transactions with cryptocurrencies.

Key Features:

πŸ”³QR code scanning✨NFC tap to payπŸ—ƒοΈCard

Get Started

In this document, you will find comprehensive information on our API and SDK, empowering you to seamlessly integrate with POS25 and be part of the future of payments.

πŸ“ͺAPI IntegrationπŸ› οΈSDK IntegrationπŸ–₯️Reference documents

Last updated